Most of the people I know, have at one time or another, expressed some sort of dissatisfaction with their bodies.
How many times have you heard someone complain that they are ‘fat’ or ‘they are on a diet’ or wish out loud for a thinner body?
When I was younger, I was a serious competitive swimmer. Even when my body was lean and fit from the hours I put in at the swimming pool, I was a little embarrassed of my curvy shape and figure (I have ALWAYS had a bum and boobs by the way, no matter how ‘thin’ i have gotten!).
I’ve seen various levels of discrimination against both fat & thin people on the internet and have even had people give me an once over up and down with raised eyebrows when I say I’m a dietitian – In my UK Size 10 frame (plus curves) i’m FAR from fat.
These days the western society clearly equates thinness with attractiveness…..but what actually is the link with health? Can you really tell how ‘healthy’ someone is by looking at them? Is a size 6 model ‘healthier’ than a size 14 new mum? Is that person you saw at the gym with a 6 pack ‘healthier’ than the slightly overweight guy that served you in the restaurant?
It’s pretty tricky to tell. There are people who are more genetically pre-disposed to being thin and those that have eating disorders which keep them that way. There are people who are of a ‘normal’ body weight but who do no exercise and also smoke 40 cigarettes a day. There are ‘overweight’ people that choose healthy foods and are active every day of the week. The reverse of these situations is also true.
But how do you know? Just by looking?
As a society, I think we are deeply ‘fattist’. Just this week I have read a number of articles which have labeled ‘fat’ people as smelly, lazy and a drain on society. I find it deeply unsettling. Especially as there is some evidence that weight discrimination can cause mental health issues and increase risk for obesity.
It’s true, if you eat less Calories than you burn and you will lose weight. But so far, this approach hasn’t really been very successful. Many people who try to lose weight regain the weight they have lost and some end up heavier than they were in the first place.
My view has always been that ‘healthy’ isn’t as black as white as the mainstream media would have you believe.
Perhaps the key is to focus more on healthy behaviours and less on the number on the scale? Maybe if we accepted body diversity and that people look different, it would help people find those behaviours which are likely to have positive effects on their health?
It’s a complex issue and one I haven’t quite finished looking into yet….
- What do you think?
- Do you think how you feel is more important than how you look?
- What do you think healthy looks like?
- Would you take advice from a dietitian if you deemed her to be ‘fat’?
- article from the Food and Nonsense blog.
What is nutritional fitness?
The 5 pillars of proper nutrition:
1. Try to eat five to six times a day: Fuel your body with multiple small meals and snacks each day to keep your blood sugar levels under control and your metabolism steady and to stimulate the production of new muscle. I recommend breakfast, first Nutrition Break snack, lunch (second Nutrition Break, small after school snack, dinner and a bedtime snack.
2. Limit processed foods: whether it comes in a bag, box, carton has a label or brand name it’s probably processed and you should avoid these types of foods most of the time to maintain a healthy body. These foods are most likely high calorie and low in the nutrients your body craves.
3. Stay hydrated: drink water throughout the day, not just during exercise. It’s recommended to have at least 2-3 liters on average. Avoid sugary drinks, sodas and even juices will sabotage your goals.
4. Eat lean protein throughout the day: Feeding on protein will maximize lean muscle which is ideal for both males and females and stimulate the release of fat burning hormones. Best options; eggs, chicken, beef, fish, beans, lentils.
5. Eat carbohydrates at specific times: There are two types of carbs; starchy, quickly digested like rice, bread and pasta, which will raise your blood sugar and non starchy carbs like fruits, veggies and whole grains, which are high in fibre and raise our blood sugar more gradually. Starchy carbs should only be eaten for breakfast and post workout, use the fibrous carbs the rest of the day.
* remember to have a snack of your choice every once in awhile. treat yourself weekly not daily.
Follow these 5 pillars and you’ll get more energy, feel better and that much closer to living a healthy lifestyle.
Canada Food Guide Link
Create a t chart with everything you and a friend ate yesterday. Be specific. Lets compare your diet with the Canada Food Guide.
Create a t chart with everything you and a friend ate yesterday. Be specific. Lets compare your diet with the Canada Food Guide.
Look at the images on the Eat Well and Be Active Every Day poster. Brainstorm how you think the people in the images are feeling. Discuss what sorts of activities the people are doing in the images that would make them feel this way. Create a class list of benefits or reasons for eating well and being active.
Super Foods are foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients.
Research Super foods, create a list from A-Z of different super foods. Try to get one for each letter. What makes them
a super food?
a super food?
Food Substitutions to Keep You Lean and Mean
There are many foods that you can substitute for traditionally unhealthy foods to help clean up your diet. Info graphic to some SUPER SUBSTITUTIONS.
Healthy Food Substitutions
Healthy Food Substitutions
I know you guys love #HASHTAGS. Take a picture of yourself eating or doing something healthy, combine the two if you choose. Be creative. Post your picture on Instagram under the hashtag #TTgetshealthy2014 If you don't have an Instagram account, make one or ask a friend to post a picture of you to theirs.
Fad diets play a large role in our society. It seems if you turn on the television in the morning on the weekends, there is always someone or some company promoting a fad diet. From apple cider vinegar to cabbage soup to no carb, low-carb, and all carb diets, it all can be very confusing. Diet aides, such as appetite suppressants, and weight loss programs can be just as confusing. Most of these diets do not work, some of the diets can be very beneficial, but how do you know which are good for you and which are just fads? Is there any way to know what is good for you and what is a waste of money? This web quest will help.
In this research assignment you will research various fad diets, diet aides, and weight loss programs. You will examine fad diets, diet aides and weight loss programs currently on the market and compare them to a balanced diet. You will evaluate one fad diet, one diet aide, and one weight loss program and compare them to the daily nutritional needs we have discussed in class and make any changes or recommendations to the diets based on the information you find.
You will compile your research into a PowerPoint/KeyNote/Slide Rocket/Prezi/Haiku Deck presentation with a minimum of 10 slides. For the 1) fad diet, 2) diet aide, and 3) weight loss program, the following needs to be answered in your presentation:
1) What is/does this diet supposed to/claim to do?
2) How is the method used (what are the guidelines to follow)?
3) What foods can you eat? What foods can’t you eat?
4) Does the diet promote exercise?
5) Do you receive all the basic nutrients as outlined in class?
6) Does the diet promote or sell supplements and/or other food items?
7) How does it compare to the Canada Food Guide
8) Would you encourage others to use this diet? Why or why not?
9) Add any other important pieces of information you feel are important.
10) You may also compare two diets answering all of the above questions.
* You will present the weeks Dec 9-19th
Fad Diets
Diet Aids
Weight Loss Programs
This project will be worth 100 points. Grading will be as follows:
Research (25pts.) · answers all tasks - 10 pts · 10 Multimedia slides - 5 pts · well-written information - 10 pts | Content (25pt.) · information is accurate and current - 10 pts · facts are clearly presented - 15 pts |
Organization (25pts.) · easy to read lay-out - 15 pts · logical sequence of information - 10 pts | Creativity (25pts.) . eye-grabbing graphics - 5 pts · colourful - 5 pts · neat work - 5 · appeals to target audience (teens) - 5 pts . easy to follow - 5 pts |
This is a page to give some health and fitness tips for children and adults alike. Hopefully some of the posted articles will be interesting and useful to you and your family.
Very relevant article regarding our school aged children:
Childhood Obesity In Windsor/Essex
Check out the following link:
9 Foods Not To Give Your Kids artcile
Eating Clean Article
Different Sports Drinks and Their Intended Uses
Some Track Training Drills