By the end of Grade 8, students will:
A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of a variety
of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas;
A2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to
communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces
and experiences;
A3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms,
traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their sociocultural and historical contexts.
Students in Grade 8 will develop or extend understanding of the following concepts through participation
in various dance experiences (e.g., using elements and choreographic forms to communicate ideas
and issues).
• body: body awareness, use of body parts (e.g., hips, shoulders), body shapes (e.g., angular, stretched,
twisted), locomotor movements (e.g., leap, dart), non-locomotor movements (e.g., twist, rock), body
bases, symmetry versus asymmetry, geometric versus organic shape, curved versus angular shape,
isolation of body parts, weight transfer
• space: levels, pathways, directions, positive versus negative space, proximity of dancers to one another,
various group formations, use of performance space
• time: stillness, rhythm, tempo, pause, freeze, with music, without music, duration, acceleration/
• energy: quality, inaction versus action, percussion, fluidity (e.g., glide, sink, fall, shiver)
• relationship: dancers to objects, opposition, groupings (e.g., large and small groups), meet/part,
follow/lead, emotional connections between dancers
Dance Project 2 Groups of 2-5
1. Research various genres of dance i.e., hip hop, swing, contemporary.
2. Choose a genre.
3. Choose a song.
4. In your groups choreograph a dance 2-5 minutes long that meets all the elements of dance. See above
5. Record your dance on a camera and create a music video using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
6. Present the video to the class. Also present a live performance.
Dance Project 2 Groups of 2-5
1. Research various genres of dance i.e., hip hop, swing, contemporary.
2. Choose a genre.
3. Choose a song.
4. In your groups choreograph a dance 2-5 minutes long that meets all the elements of dance. See above
5. Record your dance on a camera and create a music video using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
6. Present the video to the class. Also present a live performance.