Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekend Homework

  • Welcome to our student teacher Mrs. Kacagjeli (Mrs. K) who will be with us for the next three weeks.
  • Make sure you are practising your speeches this weekend.
  • Don't eat too much junk on Superbowl Sunday!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Speeches are starting on Monday, make sure you are practising. Use a mirror, sibling, parent or even your favourite stuffed animal to practise to.

Carnaval tomorrow- wear red and black tomorrow to support Carnaval

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Speeches Presented Feb. 8-13
Georges chapter 2 Due Tom.
French Test Signed
Math Test Tom.
Math pg. 202 Q# 5,7,8,13
History Test Friday Feb. 19
Bonhomme Carnaval Friday

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Olympic Questions


1. What is a major concern for athletes in the two to three weeks prior to the Olympics?
2. Why do you think this is a major concern?
3. Make a text to self connection relating to this concern.
4. List all of the preventative measures athletes take to prevent this from happening.
5. Michael Lambert states, "With the amount of abuse we go through on the road...” What abuse do you think he is talking about. Use A.P.E.S to help you answer this question.
6. What is a “germophobe?”
7. Why do you think it is important for these athlete's trainers and medical staff to take such drastic measures to keep the athlete's healthy.


  • Math Review page 200-201 all questions
  • Olympic article response
  • Unit Test Patterning and Algebra
  • Practise your speeches

Monday, February 1, 2010


  • Practise your speeches!!! We start next week.
  • History test Friday the 19th
  • Carnaval Friday