Thursday, May 20, 2010


History page 247 #'s 2 & 4 due next Tuesday
Math page 430 #'s 4-8
Geography due tomorrow ( how stuff are produced. ex. water = watercycle )
Music test tomorrow
Lit Circles

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

homework clarification

Guys you should comment right on the blog, not the Wiki!


Go on other class website and commment on "One thing you liked about Track Day."
History page 274 Q#'s 2 and 4
Bring Tech Form
Have fun at Tech Center tomorrow

Track Day

Yesterday was another exciting track and field day at Talbot Trail. 7M was well represented on the leaderboaord. Ahad swept overall first place finishes in the 100, 200, 400 and 800m races. Riley on the girl's side finished first in long and triple jump and second in the 100 and 200 m races. I love watching students work and practice hard and then see that hard work payoff. I look forward to see how we fair at the next track meet. What was your favourite part of the day?