Friday, November 4, 2011


Fractions worksheet.
Slide Rocket Memory Maker due Monday on your wiki.
Movember donations

Thursday, November 3, 2011


No new homework tonight, make sure everything that was assigned yesterday is done.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


  • Math Vocabulary and worksheet.

  • Stormbreaker Memory Maker:
    Memory Maker
    1. Choose 5 artifacts (objects, i.e., the Stormbreaker computer) and explain the following:
    What is it?
    How it was used?
    Why it is important to the story.
    Find a picture of your object.
    2. Retell your favorite part of the story.
    3. Create a Slide Rocket presentation to display your findings. You should have a slide for each artifact and your favorite part, make sure to have a title page to introduce your project.
    4. Be creative and make the presentation have a theme that fits with the book.
    5. Post your Slide rocket to your wiki page.

  • Drama and Dance project is posted in our drama and dance section of the blog.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


No homework from me just prepare for your Chapter 2 unit test in Math on Thursday.

Thriller Flashmob Angle 2

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thriller Flash Mob Raw Footage

Here is some of the raw footage from our Thriller flash mob. The kids were amazing. I will post more videos as they come. Mr. Bulat and i are so proud of you all this will be one of my most memorable halloweens ever. Thank you to all who helped make this day happen, especially our performers!



Math pg.78-79 #1-11
History Tomorrow
Geography Wednesday