Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekend homework

Have a great weekend, make sure to do some reading each day. It doesn't matter what you read as long as you are reading. Some great ideas for reading. Novels, graphic novels, blog or magazine articles, the newspaper. Try and make connections to your own life when you are reading.

If you haven't finished your scientific notation questions, please finish them.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blogger Response


*Math Worksheet
*Iqbal Questions
*Science Title Page-Tuesday
*Agenda Money $7
*Blogger Responce

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


  • Math: questions from today's lesson.
  • Finish quote of the day write up.
  • Spend some time reading (anything) on this rainy day.
Another Great Day in 7M! Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great Day

What a great start to the year. 7M has a solid bunch of young learners filling the seats. It felt good being back in the classroom and I am excited to teach again this year! I hope the students had a great first day and are ready for a fantastic year.

Supplies for Intermediate Students

What do I need for grade 7?
Here are a few suggestions of supplies that grade seven students need.
1. Calculator- a simple calculator will do.
2. Pens and pencils.
3. Eraser
4. ruler
5. red pen
6. 1 or 2 G memory stick.
7. Reusable water bottle.
8. Running shoes for gym ( have at school each day).
9. Highlighter

First Day homework

Check out the blog (put it in your favourites or bookmarks) and comment on one part of it that you liked.