Friday, September 10, 2010

Week One Is Done

Week one is done and what a great week it was. I have enjoyed meeting my new class and am extremely impressed with your enthusiasm. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought of your first week. Have a great weekend.
-Mr. M


  1. hay mr.m i think that the first week went well and I cant wait to see what is in store for yhe rest of the year
    i am glade that u showed us the blog it is great

  2. Hey, Mr.M I loved this week and hope the rest of the school year will be great. Your a great teacher and i enjoy being in your class can't till Monday!

  3. I had a great week. I thought its was a great start to a new school year. I am going to love working with this class all year long. Ps:Love the picture.

  4. nice picture guys and i had a great weak in your class Mr.M,cant wait for more!!!!! Have a great weekend everybody!!!!!

  5. For me, this was a great way to start the year off. I have a great class, a great teacher and most of my good friends are in my class. I am beginning to like grade 7 more and more each day and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the year. Even though i don't have all my friends in our class I still know this will be a great year.

    - Manmeet Bhogal 7M :)

  6. It was pretty good except like the rotary ..........
    becuase I havent gotten the hang off it ....YET xD
