Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Weekend

Hi 7M, I wanted wish everyone a happy weekend. Today was a great day at the cross country meet and hopefully an equally great day reading and walking the trail. Big shout outs to our 7M cross country runners Matt, Khuloud, Richie, Isiah, Jaunee and lets not forget Nick. These runners had a fantastic season and it was great to see all of them have such a great final meet. Next week will be a busy one. We will finish our Prezi presentations, prepare for our geometry unit test and keep working hard on our Stormbreaker novel studies. Remember you have until Monday to get your fundraising money in and be prepared for a new Halloween Jib Jab next week, featuring a whole new cast of characters.


  1. Thanks Mr.M and I hope you have a great weekend!!!

  2. Happy early Birthday Mr.M hope you have a great one and by the way your humus will be there on Monday waiting for you. And have a great weekend
