Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blogger Response

Liza's Daddy said to her, "the soul is all black or white, pending on the man's life not his skin." What do you think he meant by this? Use A.P.E.S to respond.


  1. What I think Liza's dad said meant is that the soul can be either black or white depending on the man's life not what his skin colour is. I think this because it doesn't matter what you look like from the outside, the soul always depends on the personality or life style not the skin colour.

  2. Hi Mr. M,
    In my opinion Liza's Daddy meant that the personality of a man or women may be bad(black)or white(good) but that should not matter on the colour of your skin.

  3. I think that what the father ment was that people are judged by what is inside and not what is on the outside. When he said that the soul is all black and white, I think it is reffering to good and bad. I think this because when you think of black you think of the "darkside" and when you think of white you think of the "light". So I think that when the father said the soul is all black and white he was reffering to how every soul contains hatered and kindness. Everyones soul contains hatered and some kindness toward other people. That is what I think Liza's father ment
    =F-bad =D-good

  4. I think Liza's father meant that the "man's" life depends on his skin. At the time, if the man's skin is black, he will probably be less fortunate. If his skin is white, he will be more fortunate and have a better life. What Liza's dad is saying is that skin matters, and there is a big difference between white and black people... at that timel.

  5. I think what Liza's dad meant was that a man should be judged on what he has done in his life ,his actions and his accomplishments, what he has done to make a change . Not the color of the skin. And that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover .

  6. I think Liza's "daddy" meant that it does'nt matter what color your skin is, it depends on the choices you make like if you are a slave trader you have a dark or black soul but if you do good then you have a light or white soul. That's what I thought her dad meant.

  7. "the soul is all black or white, pending on the man's life not his skin." I think Liza's dad ment that the soul is either black or white as in dirty or clean, evil and nice. pending on the man's life not skin. So he ment that it's about what what the inside that counts and you can be white from the inside and black from the outside.

  8. When Liza's Daddy said, "the soul is all black or white, pending on the man's life not his skin." I think that he meant that the soul is either good or bad, depending on the mans life, not his skin colour.Ex. Fat Sims soul is probably black, because he's a really bad person. Julilly's is probably white because shes innocent she's nice. Also from my prior knowledge, I know that when people refer to the colour black. It means dark, evil, selfish. While white means, nice, lovable, caring, gentle. So I think that the author is trying to tell us that any person, with any skin colour, can be good or bad and that we're not bad because of our skin but how we live our lives.

  9. I think Liza's daddy meant just because your black or a certain race doesn't mean you're bad because it doesn't matter what you look like or what colour you are, it only matters what's on the inside, and that's what makes you a good person, and you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, because you never know what a person is like untill you really get to know them.

    - Manmeet Bhogal 7Mousseau <333 ;D

  10. By "The soul is all black or white, 'pending on the man's life, not his skin", I inferred that black and white represented good/pure and bad/evil. If a person is mean, and has stolen or done something bad to "scar his/her soul", they have a "black soul". If a person is nice and has done good things for all his/her life, they have a "white soul". The skin colour doesn't matter, because if that person is a truely good person, people should see past that. I think that Julilly and Liza have white souls, because they are both pure and nice, but they are treated badly. Someone like Sims, though, has a black soul because of the way he treats the slaves.

  11. I think that Liza's daddy ment that you cant tell a mans soul by his skin colour but by his life. witch means you can tell his soul by te way he is or acts. Sims likes to wip people who do things wrong or people that are crippled up so you can tell that he has a hard soul. That is what I think Liza's daddy ment by "The soul is all black or white, pending on the man's life not his skin".

  12. I think that her dad ment it does not matter about the skin of the man, it should matter about the things that the man does in his life. And also that back then it was all about the white and now its about both so you could be remembered for the things that the man did when slavery was going on.

  13. I think that Liza's daddy meant that it doesn't matter what you look like on the out side (our skin) but it's whats on the instide that matters. Also he means that you should look beyond the coulor of skin and just look alittle deeper, befor you judge.

  14. I think Liza's father ment it doesn't matter what skin type you are,it matters whats under the skin and matters on if your a good person or not.
    It matters on how you use your life.

  15. I think that Liza's dad means that there are good people and bad people in the world, black people are treated as bad people because of their skin. Liza's dad says that it doesn't matter what your skin colour is, what matters is what you have done in your life.

  16. I think that Liza's dad meant it doesn't matter what race you are and how you look all that matters is what you're like on the inside and you should never ever judge a book by it's cover, because even though their first impression wasn't good they may be nice than you thought.

  17. I think he meant that not all is judged by the skin coulour, it's judged by how they work and their personality. Also how people react when you ask them to do something and they don't do it. In the text it said that Liza was whipped because she tried to run away without respect, not because she had different skin colour then the fat man Sims.

  18. I think that the man meant that if you have a bad life and a bad attitude your soul will be dark and black and if you have a good attitude and a good life your soul will be white. I think the man used the colours to mean black means bad and white means good.

  19. I think that he meant that it doesn't matter whether your black or white it matters what kind of life you had, if you treeted it poorly or not, because you could be a slave and still have a good life, like the one Julilly had at the Hensen Plantation where they were free to talk and laugh. Also you could be a white person who is not a slave and has everything but is board of it all, I could connect that to Sims all he does is whip people and eat ( I can infer that because he is fat ) So pretty much he is saying that no one cares if your black or white if you have a good life.
