Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7M Superstars!!!!!

Everyone knows I love running shoes. The shoes in the picture are some of the most recognizable over the last 3 decades, The "Adidas Superstars" They are stylish, dependable always the perfect compliment to any outfit and simply do their job.

Not to compare my amazing students to sneakers but I wanted to recognize 5 superstars who make 7M a great place to be. I have many and will continue to recognize 5 each week until the end of the year.

1. Sara- Friendly on task and very self motivated.
2. Gurvir- The first to volunteer and the last to complain!
3. Dani- Driven, respectful and responsible.
4. Mackenzie- If you want to smile simply look in her direction, takes and applies advice with a smile.
5. Rikin- Gets down to work, contributes to class and never has to be reminded of routines.

Thanks to all the 7M Superstars for making my job easier and our classroom productive.


  1. Thanks Mr.M! Made me smile just reading it!


  2. I agree! It's so much fun to be around you guys! Keep up the good work!

  3. I agree with Mr.M that Sara, Gurvir, Dani, Mackenzie, and Rikin are all FANTASTIC SUPERSTARS!!! GOOD JOB EVERYONE:)

  4. Good Job Guys! Keep it up!
