Thursday, September 6, 2012

Student Blogger: My worst Experience

     My worst experience when when I got attacked by geese. I was already scared of birds but this made it even worse.

    One day I was biking in Southwood Lakes, I was going around a lake at the park closed to my house, when there where about eight geese standing infront of me. Dispite my fear of birds, I didn't want to hit them., so I thought I might go on the road instead of the sidewalk, where the geese were. But I finally decided to stay on the sidewalk but go around them. There were four adults geese and four baby geese, so I was going really slowly when one huge adult goose stuck out it's tounge and hissed at me. Of course I screamed and stared biking faster, by that time they were all hissing at me. Then, a panicing baby goose was going the same direction as I was. As I hit the breaks, the goose hit my leg.

  Scrached by the bike. terrified by the geese, and worried that I might have hurt the baby goose, I was screaming, and I'll admit that I was crying, and biked faster to my house to go make a Facebook staus about it.

By: Rhonda.


  1. Yikes, those geese are viscious, I've turned around on runs before because they were blocking my way. Great post Rhonda!

  2. fuzzy bunny ears (AKA) HaydnSeptember 6, 2012 at 9:13 PM

    Wow i probably would check to see if the baby was okay but then again i'd post it on facebook too.

  3. I have had a goose hiss at me not a good feeling

  4. loool rhonda iam scared of them to. once me and my cousin were walking andthedadchased her because she went to close to the baby then it came back and hiss on me :O

  5. Rhonda what i would do is yell and run right threw they will get scared not you :)
